Sunday, April 10, 2011

Part One of Act One.

A Doll's House is a well known play which was written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879.  Henrik Ibsen was born in Skien, Norway on March 10, 1829, and was raised in a very wealthy family with five other siblings.  As he grew older, he decided to study as an assistant pharmacist, and soon applied to Christiana University.  Unfortunately, he was rejected and was not able to attend the University. On the bright side, he soon became a dramatic author and wrote several plays.  He wrote Lady Inger, The feats at Solhoug, and Olaf Liljekrans. Soon enough he fulfilled his dream and took a position at Norwegian Theatre in Christiana.  Later on he met Suzzanah Thoresen.  Henrik and Suzzanah ended up falling in love and got married in 1858. Ibsen received small grants from the goverment in 1863, and soon traveled to Europe to write more plays that focused on interpersonal relationships.  The reason I contributed the main sparks in Henrik Ibsen's life is because it leads to reasons and ideas of why and how he had written A Doll's House.  Ibsen wrote this play in 1879 which was the time of the main debate of women's rights.  Henrik Ibsen soon had a tragic ending and passed away on May 23, 1906 due to his poor health and previous strokes he had suffered.

Anyway, back to A Doll's House.  This play generally takes place in Norway in the year of the big debate of women's rights. There are eleven characters: Nora Helmer, Torvald Helmer, their three children, Mrs. Linde, the housemaid, Doctor Rank, Anne (the Helmer's nurse), Nils Krogstad, and the porter.  The main characters of part 1 of act one are Nora, Torvald, and Mrs. Linde.  Nora's personality is quite different from most adults in the time of the 1800's.  She acts very flirty, messes and jokes around as if she is a child, complains, and is secretive.  Also, she seems to be insecure and worries that she is not the so called "perfect wife." On the other hand, Nora's husband Torvald takes things very seriously, but seems to give in to giving his wife money all the time for her to buy new things for herself and their three children.  Mrs. Linde is an old friend of Nora who is a widow, and comes to visit the Helmers in Act one.  Act one takes place just before Christmas time.  The play begins as Nora arrives at home from a day of "cheap shopping." Nora and her husband Torvald discuss how Nora is spending too much and she should be careful with her money, but Nora defends herself and states, "Yes, but, Torvald, this year we can really let ourselves go a little.  This is the first Christmas that we have not need to economise" (Ibsen 1).  My reaction to part one of act one was the thought of it going to be a good play.  It has great detail and an interesting plot line. My prediction for what will happen next is that the Helmers will have to start borrowing money for them to make it by since Nora is spending so much of their money just in Christmas week. 

1 comment:

  1. Shannon,

    I appreciate your biographical information on the author himself. This will likely assist you in understanding Ibsen's meaning behind the play. You selected some good pictures as well.

    I would like to see more interaction with the text beyond just enjoying it. What about it do you enjoy? How are you reacting to the events that you are describing? In addition, assuming that your blog will be your final project, I need more: more text and certainly more links: you have only linked to the biography and the text of the play itself. Remember also that you will need page numbers for more than just your direct quotes.

